Tips For Co-Parenting With Your Ex When The Kids Are At Summer Camp

Life goes on even when your world may feel like it is falling apart during a divorce. Your kids will have needs and demands that must be met no matter how low you may be feeling. When your kids go to summer camp for the first since you started divorce proceedings, you may have a whole new list of concerns. You should see your family divorce attorney if you have any questions about visitation or custody surround the summer camp experience. [Read More]

3 Questions You Should Ask To Determine If You Are Financially Able To Divorce

Many couples struggle in their marriages and wonder if divorce is right for them. In many cases the couple wants to divorce, but cannot because it is too expensive. They might have financial concerns that prevent them from divorcing. It is true that divorce is expensive, and you should ask yourself if you are financially able to divorce. Here are some questions you should be asking to determine if you are ready to divorce. [Read More]

Getting Your Matters In Order Will Speed Up Your Divorce

A divorce can take a very long time in many cases, but there are ways you can speed yours up if you want to. The best way to do this is to plan for it by getting your things in order. After you file for divorce, there will be a waiting period before it can actually be finalized, and you should immediately start working on things once you file. You can even start before this if you want, and here are the main things you should get in order. [Read More]

Caught Your Spouse Cheating? Steps To Take To Get A Divorce That Is As Beneficial As Possible

There are many times when people stay in relationships where their spouse has cheated on them because they feel that they will leave the marriage with nothing if they choose to end it because of the infidelity. That is not always the case, though. There are plenty of couples who split due to infidelity where the person who was cheated on is not left high and dry. The guide that follows walks you through a few tips to make ending a marriage because of infidelity a bit easier. [Read More]