Have A Blended Family? 4 Reasons You Should Adopt Your Step-Children

If you're in a step-parent relationship, it might be time to make a more permanent arrangement. Step-parent adoption allows you to adopt your step-children, which creates a more lasting bond within the family. If you haven't given step-parent adoption any thought, here are three important reasons why you should. Ensure Your Parental Rights When you're a step-parent, you have very few legal rights over the children you're raising. Unfortunately, that lack of parental rights makes it difficult for you to take care of things like school registration, medical care, and other necessary decisions related to your step children. [Read More]

3 Ways To Show Respect For Your Ex Online During A Divorce

When you are getting a divorce, you may not want to imagine what the future of your relationship with your soon-to-be ex will be like. When you do allow your mind to go there, you may imagine it being better, worse, or the same. One thing's for sure in real life, though. The relationship will change, yet it can evolve in a positive way. No matter what your situation is, you will start your new life off on the right foot if you take these steps to show respect for your ex online during the divorce process. [Read More]

Resolving A Bad Marriage With Help From A Family Lawyer

Counseling can sometimes work miracles for some married couples. In other situations, it is not even worth considering counseling to save a marriage, such as if you have a spouse who shows no signs of wanting to change. If you are in such a situation, speaking to a family lawyer about your problems might be the best way forward. Below, you will learn about some of the ways that a family law firm can be useful for resolving a bad marriage that has no hope for getting back on track. [Read More]

Planning Your Wedding? 4 Reasons Why You Should Add A Prenup To Your List Of Plans

If you're in the process of planning your wedding, you should also be planning your prenuptial agreement. You might be thinking that prenuptial agreements are only for the very wealthy, or for celebrities, but that is not necessarily the case! Prenuptial agreements are designed to protect the "not-so-wealthy" as well. A well-planned prenuptial agreement will protect you from financial devastation should your marriage end in divorce. Still not sure that a prenup is right for you? [Read More]